
Direct & Protect
Outdoor Germination Kit
- The Perfect way to start seeds outdoors - Greenhouse Domes are designed to enhance seed germination by creating a stable, mini greenhouse environment that keeps the soil moist and warm.
- Protect Seeds & Seedlings - With the Greenhouse dome, seedlings are safe from harsh weather (rain, wind, snow) as well as burrowing animals, rodents, and pets.
- Cost Effective - Starting plants from seeds is more economical because you avoid the costs of expensive seedlings, pots, and seeding trays, and eliminate the need for artificial light and indoor growing space.
- Avoid Transplant Shock - Plants grown by direct sowing do not undergo the stress of being moved and are likely to grow stronger and healthier.ronger and healthier.
Reduce Climate Impact
Save our critical Peat Bogs
Peat bogs are vital carbon sinks, storing roughly twice as much carbon as the world’s forests combined. When peat is harvested, the stored carbon is released into the atmosphere, contributing to a warming client. Additionally, peat harvesting destroys native habitats crucial for many birds, reptiles, insects, and small mammals.
By growing outdoors in actual soil, you help avoid peat harvesting and protect these important ecosystems.